
11 Perfectly Acceptable Reasons to Call Out of Work

In most cases, the safest bet is to consult an attorney before withholding pay or firing an excessively absent employee. Frequent contributor on Medium, WikiHow and Chron, he is also a published author, serial entrepreneur and founder of If an employee needs time off because of a mental health issue, it’s important to take the matter seriously and be supportive.

I am writing to inform you that I cannot come to work today due to [insert reason for an illness]. I believe it would be best to stay home and rest to avoid spreading illness to my coworkers and customers. Employers usually understand most reasons you give to call in sick at work. However, while taking some casual days off, you may run out of reasons to call out of work.

Personal Illness

It’s not always easy to decide if you should stay home from work or school when you have symptoms like a sore throat, fever, or cough. If you’re a caregiver, it can be hard to decide whether to send your child to school or daycare, especially if they need to take a test or play a sport that day. It may be problems with water pipes, leaking toilets, or a gas leak. You’ll need to return home and deal with them immediately.

reasons to call out of work besides being sick

Pets are an integral part of the family, and when they need emergency care you need to get them attention asap. If your boss does not reply to your message, call your boss. When sending a not feeling well message to your boss, use a brief message.

personal office yet?

You most likely don’t want your boss to know that you’re planning on quitting until you already have another job lined up. If you’re responsible for an elderly, they might experience a health crisis or other emergency situation that requires your presence. Attending a family wedding can be considered one of best excuses to miss work.

Natural Remedies to Relieve Cold Symptoms, According to Doctors – Men’s Health

Natural Remedies to Relieve Cold Symptoms, According to Doctors.

Posted: Fri, 03 Nov 2023 17:36:45 GMT [source]

While some reasons may be believable for missing work, not all of them qualify you for paid time off. Small Biz Ahead is a small business information blog site from The Hartford. We may receive compensation from companies we endorse on our blog. Any company we affiliate with has been fully reviewed and selected for their quality of service or product. If you’re interested in learning specifically which companies we receive compensation from, you can check out our Affiliates Page.

How to Stay Calm When Quitting a Job? (Overcome the Fear)

You should not feel forced to come to work when you are unwell. You can spread germs to other people in shared spaces even if you don’t see them face to face. If you are a healthcare worker or you work around people who have a weak immune system, you should stay home long enough to be sure you are no longer contagious.